Who we are

In 1955, the first organized attempt to establish a collective bargaining agency for the field staff of the United Steelworkers failed to materialize, however, the idea refused to die.

On November 21, 1964, at the Kaufmann Hotel in Zelienople, Pennsylvania, a founding meeting of the Staffman’s Organizing Committee (which is what the SRU was called back then) agreed upon plans to launch an intense campaign to organize the field staff in the United States and Canada.

Twenty-five days later, on December 16, 1964, a “representation committee” of 17 members called a meeting with the USW’s International Officers and made a majority claim on behalf of SRU.  By mutual agreement, a card check campaign began and was overseen by Dean Moor, retired Bishop of Trinity Episcopal Church, Pittsburgh.

Certification of SRU as the exclusive bargaining agent for field staff of the United Steelworkers was approved by Bishop Moor and conditionally recognized by then USW President David J. McDonald, subject to International Executive Board approval.

On January 7, 1965, the USW’s International Executive Board voted to officially recognize SRU as the exclusive bargaining agent for field staff in the United States and Canada.

In September 1966, SRU held its first meeting in Atlantic City, NJ, where SRU’s first Constitution and By Laws were adopted by the membership and the first permanent Officers and Executive Board was elected.

Since that time we have fought to improve wages, benefits and working conditions of all our members; to ensure justice and dignity on the job; and to build a social movement to better the lives of all working people.

Our structure consists of three (3) Table Officers (President, Vice-President and Secretary Treasurer), two (2) Executive Board members and two (2) District Committee members from each of the USW's districts and from the Canadian National Office, one (1) member from the National Organizing Unit and one (1) member from the Grant Staff Employees Unit.

The term of office for the three table officers, District Executive and District Committee members shall be the length of time between membership meetings, which shall be in conjunction with the USW's international convention.

SRU Executive board

President Wesley Thompson
Vice-President Sean Logan
Secretary Treasurer Cary Eldridge
CNO Vacant
CNO Vacant
GSEU Steve Doherty
District 01 Tim Buxton
District 01 Mark Shaw
District 02 Paul Footit
District 02 Dan Nadolski
District 03 Jeff Kallichuk
District 03 Jessie Uppal
District 04 Lowell Alexander
District 04 Joe Arico
District 06 Charlie Scibetta
District 06 Carla Thibodeau
District 07 James Adcock
District 07 Loretta Tyler
District 08 Craig Hunt
District 08 Roger McGinnis
District 09 David Trostle
District 09 James Bark
District 10 Richard Galiano
District 10 Tom Jones
District 11 Rob Ryan
District 11 David Rizzuto
District 12 Wayne Holland
District 12 Fernando Terrazas
District 13 Andrew Frye
District 13 Marco Velez

My friends, it is solidarity of labor we want. We do not want to find fault with each other, but to solidify our forces and say to each other: ‘We must be together; our masters are joined together and we must do the same thing.
— Mother Jones