Bargaining Update

All SRU Members,

The SRU bargaining committee has continued to meet with the employer since December 2017.

We started the bargaining process well in advance of the expiration of the collective agreement by surveying our members.  It gave us enough time to properly address and prioritize the issues our members have been experiencing since negotiating the last contract.

During this time, the SRU bargaining committee have had extensive discussions on the non-economic issues brought forward by our members with the employer.  

Items that have been discussed include but are not limited to:

•    Staffing assignments
•    Postings and transfers
•    Resource Technicians
•    Fleet and Vehicle Allowance
•    Travel
•    Maternity/Parental Leave

Health care for US members continues to be an issue and is one of the top priorities for the SRU bargaining committee.

While bargaining can be a long drawn out process, your committee is dedicated to taking the time needed to get the collective agreement members deserve. We will not rush into an agreement that does not meet members’ needs.

We thank you for the continued solidarity and resolve you’ve shown throughout this bargaining process. Our next set of dates are scheduled for June 6th and 7th and we will continue to keep the membership apprised as we work towards an agreement that our members deserve.

Please do not hesitate to contact a member of the SRU Executive Board with any questions or comments you may have and keep up to date by visiting our website,

In Solidarity,

SRU Bargaining Committee