Bargaining Update #2

All SRU Members,

As you are aware your SRU Bargaining Committee has been meeting with the USW since December 2017.  We left our last session in April with the understanding that the institution would be meeting internally and be prepared to respond to our proposals and requested information at the next bargaining session scheduled for June 6 and 7, 2018.  

Prior to this meeting, in an effort to kick-start negotiations, your Bargaining Committee decided to make a comprehensive proposal addressing all outstanding issues both economic and non-economic.  We withdrew some of our proposals and modified others.  This offer was presented to the USW and the committee was hopeful that we would receive a comprehensive counter proposal.  

The employer responded to a couple of proposals, none of which had any major economic consequence.  In further discussions we repeated our displeasure with the pace of negotiations and the unpreparedness of our employer to respond to issues.  We reiterated that we were here to bargain in good faith and reach a fair collective bargaining agreement.  The Committee sternly relayed to the Institution that we expect them to be prepared to bargain in good faith and not ignore any of our proposals.  

Your Committee is extremely frustrated at the lack of progress and wants to thank you for your solidarity and support you have demonstrated during this trying process.  

As always if you have any questions, please contact your District Executive Board Members, your SRU Officers or a Member of the Bargaining Committee. 

In Solidarity,

SRU Bargaining Committee,

Steve Finnigan
Bryan Adamczyk
Pat Gallagher
Jeff Richardson
Lowell Alexander